比較Python與JavaScript指令 for x in range(20): #x整數, str方法 a = "" #python用縮排取代{ }當作區段 for y in range(x): a += str(y) print("第" + str(x) +"列:" + a) # Java, C靜態變數,必須先宣告變數 # Python, JavaScript允許動態變數,可以不用先宣告 Javascript程式碼:不執行,看程式碼,必須在撰寫模式貼上 <h1>HTML與JavaScript</h1> <div id="show"></div> <script> var a = "劉任昌會Python與JavaScript<br>"; for (var x=0; x<10; x++) { /*JavaScript註解Python縮排分區段,{}*/ a +="第" + x +"列:" for (var y=0; y < x; y++) a += y; a += "<br>"; } document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = a; </script> HTML與JavaScript
w3schools練習截圖 w3schools程式碼 #劉任昌集合set{},元組tuple(), 串列或清單list[], #字典dict{key:value,鍵:值} d = {2330:"台積電",2317:"鴻海",2454:"聯發科",6505:"台塑化"} s = {"台積電", "鴻海", "聯發科","台塑化"} t = ("台積電", "鴻海", "聯發科","台塑化") list = ["台積電", "鴻海", "聯發科","台塑化"] print(type(d),type(s),type(d),type(list)) print("台灣市場價值最大三家公司集合set列出") print(s) #練習迴圈 for a in s: print(a) print("聯發科位置:" + str(t.index("聯發科"))) """整個區塊註解前後加上連續三個引號, str將數字轉成字串 才能 和其他字串相接the set list is unordered, meaning: the items will appear in a random order. # Refresh this page to see the change in the result. """ w3schools集合方法 Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on sets. Method Description add() Adds an element to the set clear() Removes all the elements from the set copy() Returns a copy of the set differenc...